Learning English in a Fun, Interactive Way

Rishka Reccani
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2017


Learning a new language is not easy, especially with a language like English that is filled with contradictions. Most learners not only have to focus on vocabulary but on homophones, synonyms and idioms as well. For someone with no background of the language at all, this can be a daunting task.

This is why we have tried to introduce an additional method of learning in our app- GAMES. The rote learning of vocabulary is essential to master the English language, but with no context for the application of these words the learner would soon tend to forget them. Not only would the learner forget them, but the function of the word would also not be known.

This is where games come in. A recent study showed that task based activities help retain a word in memory longer. This means that if a suitable activity is introduced to the learner at the end of a vocabulary session, they are more likely to remember those words, than if no task was introduced at all.

Games will also help introduce new ideas, which in turn motivates a person to get more involved in the language by expressing their own point of view. Apart from this an educational game can help the learner interact with the environment surrounding them. This promotes fluency and confidence in the language and can overall serve as a stress buster at the end of that intense vocab session.

We personally feel that games should be used at all stages of learning as they help focus on the use of the language as a story that is FUN, ENTERTAINING and EXCITING to play.

That’s why at Knudge.me, we have designed an amazing on-the-go learning app that implements gaming at the heart of language teaching. Be sure to try it out for yourself to know how much fun learning English can actually be.

You can download the app from : Knudge.me

As Friedrich Schiller said

Humans Are Only Fully Human When They Play

