Positive Impacts of Gaming on Students

Rishka Reccani
Published in
2 min readMay 16, 2017


Students today are exposed to a number of methods of learning. One of these methods is gaming. A review published by the American Psychological Association on the Positive Effects of Gaming is one of the major breakthrough research papers published in the study and understanding of how games affect students. Although the subject has received ample debate on both positive and negative aspects, the overall effect it had on a student’s development is one worth knowing about.

Ward of Anxiety and Stress

A relaxing game at the end of an intense study session can easily calm a student’s mind. With the world evolving at such a fast pace, students can often feel left out at times and this can cause a buildup of anxiety of the people and environment around them. An educational game can help ease this tremendously; which brings me to my next point.

Build Confidence

If the student is shy and prefers being behind the scenes rather than in the spotlight, gaming will help build their confidence as this is an un-biased platform where each and every individual gets a chance to express themselves to the fullest without external factors influencing their choice.


Multiplayer games or games that encourage you to compete with friends are in fact team building exercises by themselves. The games help introduce decision making skills on the spot and teach students about trust and confidence in themselves as individuals and also in the team as a whole.

Improved Learning Ability

The games help with problem solving skills and also help retain information learned in memory longer. The student is more likely to remember a new vocabulary word and its meaning if it is expressed in a game.


The student is encouraged to adapt to different scenarios and environments in each game. This helps in positive mood states and adaptive emotion recognition.

Cognitive Ability

The attention span, focus, reaction time and decision making skills are all improved when a student is subjected to a gaming environment.

Self- Betterment

Gaming will encourage a step by step holistic approach to education. New information will slowly be grasped in small bite-sized chucks and retained in the brain; this in turn gets accumulated until finally the student learns to master the game.

Improved Social Skills

The final outcome of the whole gaming experience are the improved social skills that the student develops. These skills will then translate to relations outside the gaming environment and will help the students get a better grasp of day-to day relationships with people and events.

For more download the Knudge.me app from the Google Play Store today.

